Abbott, Lyman, 228–29
Adamson, James, 113–16
Adler, Alfred, 57
Aesop, 161
Akhtoi, King of Egypt, 140
Alcott, Louisa May, 188–89, 199
Allison, Joseph, 165–67
Allred, Katherine A., 136–37
Altman, Benjamin, 84
American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 281
American Association for Adult Education, 213
Amos, James E., 59–60
Amos, Mrs. James E., 59–60
Anderson, Barbara, 44–45, 47
Armistead, Gen. Lewis A., 148
Armour and Company, 280
Astor, John Jacob, 84
A. Zerega’s Sons, Inc., 42–43
Barlow, Pete, 245
Barnum, P. T., 84
Bedford, Edward T., 26
Beecher, Henry Ward, 228
Bethlehem Steel Co., 25
Bible, 121
Bits and Pieces, 126, 126n
Black, Robert F., 156
Bok, Edward, 95–96
Bonheur, Rosa, 9
Booth, John Wilkes, 135
Boston Transcript, 124
Boynton, James B., 206–07
Bradley, Roy G., 172
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 61
Bryan, William Jennings, 62, 263–64
Buddha, 107, 126
Bülow, Prince Bernhard von, 233–34
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose, 219
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 98
Butt, Archie, 60
Byrd, Adm. Richard E., 22
Caine, Hall, 108–09
Capone, Al, 4–5, 8, 187, 197
Carlyle, Thomas, 14
Carnegie, Andrew, 25–26, 35, 82–83
Carnegie, Dale, xi–xiii, 277–83
Carnegie, Dorothy, xi–xiii
Carnegie, Josephine, 231–32
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, xvi
Carnegie Institute of Technology, xvi
Carrier Corp., 48
Caruso, Enrico, 246
Catherine the Great, 22
Central Transportation Company, 82–83
Chaliapin, Feodor, 193–94
Chalif, Edward L., 100–01
Chamberlain, W. F., 85–86
Chatterton, Thomas, 14
Chesterfield, fourth earl of, 130, 145
Cheung, Michael, 149
Chicago, University of, xvii, 273
Clark, Fred, 243
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 153–54
Columbus, Christopher, 22
Confucius, 13, 107
Connor, F. Gale, 161
Coolidge, Calvin, 217
Crowley, R. V., 138
Crowley, “Two Gun,” 3–4, 5, 8, 197
Cryer, Robert, 71
Cubellis, Charles T., 171–72
Culbertson, Ely, 258–59
Curtis, Cyrus H. K., 199
Daily Telegraph, 233
Dale Carnegie, Institute of Effective Speaking and Human Relations, 272–77
Dale Carnegie Training, 285
Davis, Jefferson, 140, 148
Davis, Paul M., 177
Davis, Richard Harding, 13–14
Detmer, Julian F., 94–95
Detmer Woolen Company, 94
Dewey, John, 19–20, 106
Dickens, Charles, 21, 247
Dillinger, John, 22
Dillistone, E. G., 232
Dillon, Josephine, 259
Disraeli, Benjamin, 29, 116
Doheny, Edward L., 7–8
Donham (dean), 185
Douglas, Henrietta, 91–92
Douglas, Sam, 182
Dunham, Pamela, 31
Dutschmann, K. T., 50
Duvernoy, Henry G., 101
Dyke, George, 59
Eastman, George, 113–16
Eberson, James, 164–65
Educational Psychology (Gates), 194
Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor, 62–63
Eliot, Charles W., 91
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 30, 32, 34, 110, 178
Esposito, Millie, 92–93
Ethics in Service (Taft), 190
Fall, Albert B., 7–8
Fall, Mrs. Albert B., 8
Fant, Joe B., Jr., 205
Farley, Jim, 79–81
Farrell, Hamilton J., 198
“Father Forgets” (Larned), 15–18
Ferrier, Dale O., 265
Firestone, Harvey S., 211
Fitzhugh, Martin, 253–54
Flight Operations, 14
Ford, Henry, 38, 43
Franklin, Benjamin, 14, 124, 135–36
Freud, Sigmund, 19, 20, 97
Funkhouser, R. J., 102–03
Galileo, 130
Gammond, Frank, 122
Garfield, James A., 96
Gates, Arthur I., 194
Gaw, W. P., 220–23
Gent, Mrs. Ernest, 266
George V, (king of England), 30
Getting Through to People (Nirenberg), 182
Ginsberg, Martin, 67–68
Gonzalez, Maria, 75
Goode, Kenneth M., 181
Granger, Marshall A., 242
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 96
Grant, Mrs. Ulysses S., 22
Greeba Castle, 109
Greeley, Horace, 134–35
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 122
Harding, Warren G., 7–8
Hardy, Thomas, 14
Harriman, Edward E., 102
Harvey, Bruce, 146–47
Harvey, Paul, 29
Hay, John, 23
Henke, Henry, 251–52
Herzberg, Frederic, 212
Herzig, Howard Z., 103
Hibben, John G., xxi
Hohenzollerns, xx
Hooker, Gen. Joseph, 218–19
Hoover, Bob, 14–15
Hoover, Herbert, 8
Hoover, Ike, 60
Hopkins, Ruth, 254–55
Horse Fair, The (Bonheur), 9
Hotel Greeters of America, 101
House, Col. Edward M., 178–79, 263–64
How to Turn People Into Gold (Goode), 181
Hubbard, Elbert, 75–76, 150
Hugo, Victor, 22
Human Nature (Phelps), 99
Hurok, Sol, 193–94
I Ain’t Much, Baby—But I’m All I Got (Lair), 245, 246
Influencing Human Behavior (Overstreet), 35
Jacob, Marge, 227
James, Gen. Daniel “Chappie,” 140
James, Henry, 91
James, Jesse, 197
James, William, xxi, 20, 73–74, 106, 249–50, 283
Jesus, 107
Johnson, Samuel, 18
Johnson and Johnson, 60–61
Johnston, George B., 6
Jones, Clarence M., 259
Josephine, empress of France, 56
Kilbourn Hall, 113
King, Martin Luther, 140
Kirsch, Karen, 83–84
Knaphle, C. M., Jr., 65–66
Ladies’ Home Journal, 199
Lair, Jess, 245–46, 246n
Langford, Carl, 226
Lao-tse, 107, 180
Larned, W. Livingston, 15–18
La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de, 173
Lawes, Lewis E., 5, 211
Leblanc, Georgette, 252–53
Lee, Robert E., 10–11, 140, 147–49
Lenox, James, 84
Levy, Sid, 81
Lincoln, Abraham, 9–12, 20, 74, 97, 134–35, 155–56, 162, 218–19
Lincoln, Mrs. Abraham, 10, 22
Lincoln the Unknown (Carnegie), 9
Linsley, Libby, 99
Little Women (Alcott), 188, 199
Lloyd George, David, 33–34
Love, Benton, 83
Lucas, J. Howard, 45–46, 47
Lunt, Alfred, 28
Lustgarten v. Fleet Corporation, 132
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 264
McConnell, James V., 70
McKinley, William, 23, 217–18
McKinley, Mrs. William, 23
McMahon, Donald M., 112–13
MacDonald, Ian, 238–39
Mangum, Jay, 191–92
Marais, Claude, 116
Marcosson, Isaac F., 96
Mazzone, Anna, 243–44
Meade, Gen. George Gordon, 10–12
Meyer, Godfrey, 275–76
Mind in the Making, The (Robinson), 132–33
Morgan, J. P., 84, 197
Morris, Stevie, 29
Mulrooney, E. P., 4, 21–22
Napoleon I, 56–57, 86–87, 266
Napoleon III, 86
National Bank of North America of New York, 63–64
National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 166
New York Public Library, 84
New York Sun, 272, 274
New York Telephone Company, 56, 93
New York University, 57
Nirenberg, Gerald S., 182, 183n
Norris, Joyce, 192–93
North American Review, 228
Northcliffe, Alfred Charles William, Viscount, 199
Nottingham, Ken, 87
Novak, Elizabeth, 184–85
Novak, Stan, 35–36
Obregon, Gen. Alvaro, 30
O’Haire, Patrick J., 123, 274–75
On Becoming a Person (Rogers), 133–34
One Day, 203
Overstreet, Harry A., 35, 48, 163, 163n
Packard Motor Car Company, 281
Papadoulos, Nicodemus, 81
Parker, Bill, 253
Parsons, Frederick S., 125
Paul Harvey’s The Rest of the Story (Aurandt), 29n
Peerce, Jan, 128
Pennsylvania Railroad, 82
People’s Home Journal, 15
Petrucello, Marie, 64
Phelps, William Lyon, 99–100
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 203–04
Pickett, Gen. George E., 147–49
Platt, Thomas Collier, 210
Public Service Commission, 93, 94
Publilius, Syrus, 66
Pullman, George, 82–83
Reader’s Digest, 15, 96
Reinke, Harold, 131
Reunion in Vienna, 28
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 23
Ringelspaugh, John, 248
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh, first earl, 233
Robinson, James Harvey, 132–33
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 153–55, 199
Rockefeller, John D., Sr., xvi–xvii, 21–22, 26
Rogers, Carl, 133–34, 134n
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 62, 80–81, 84–86
Roosevelt, Theodore, 7, 12, 59–60, 62, 99, 129, 210
Roper, Keith, 248–49
Rosedale, Madeline, 63–64
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 108–09
Rowland, Ronald J., 109–10
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 244
Santarelli, Dan, 238
Saturday Evening Post, 179, 199
Schmidt, Gunther, 265–66
Schultz, Dutch, 5, 197
Schwab, Charles, 25–26, 50, 69, 107, 209–10, 225
Seeley, C. H., 84
“Self-Reliance” (Emerson), 178
Seltz, Adolph, 175–76
Selye, Hans, 6
Shakespeare, William, 23, 74, 110, 121–22
Shaw, George Bernard, xxv
Shaw, Leslie M., 62
Shields, James, 9
Skinner, B. F., 6, 247
Smith, Al, 211
Smith, Arthur D. Howden, 179
Smith, David G., 107
Smith, Sir Ross, 121
Snow, Eddie, 167–68
Socrates, 130, 168
Souvenirs, My Life with Maeterlinck (Leblanc), 252
Spencer, Herbert, xxi
Springfield Journal, 9
Sproul, Stephen K., 70
Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 9
State Teachers’ College (Warrensburg, Mo.), 278–79
Steinhardt, William B., 72–73
Steinmetz, Charles, 241
Strangers in Love (Woodford), 90
Straub, O. L., 156–57
Sykes, Edward M., 60–61
Taft, William Howard, 7, 60, 62, 190–91
Taft, Mrs. William Howard, 60, 190
Tarbell, Ida, 237
Theodore Roosevelt, Hero to His Valet (Amos), 59–60
Thomas, James L., 200–02
Thomas, Lowell, 258
Thomson, J. Edgar, 82
Thurston, Howard, 58
Trans World Airlines, 83–84
Twain, Mark, 13
Twain, Mrs. Mark, 13
20,000 Years in Sing Sing (Lawes), 211
Union Pacific Railroad, 83
United Y.M.C.A. Schools, xvii, 273, 281
U.S. Steel Company, 25
Vauclain, Samuel, 25
Vermylen, Edward, 42–44, 47
Victoria, queen of England, 29
Virgil, 48
Walters, Charles R., 64
Wanamaker, John, 5, 225–26
Wark Company, 220
Warren, Ferdinand E., 145–46
Washington, George, 22
Webster, Daniel, 156–57
Wells, H. G., 247
Wesson, Eugene, 176–77
What Life Should Mean to You (Adler), 57
Whidden, Michael E., 47–48
White Motor Company, 156
Wickersham, George W., 62
Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany, 62, 233–34
Wilson, Barbara, 170–71
Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 153, 179, 263–64
Winn, Gerald H., 159
Winter, William, 51
Wolf, Mary Catherine, 205–06
Woodcock, Dean, 158–59
Woodford, Jack, 90
Wren, Sir Christopher, 21
Wrublewski, Dorothy, 222
Yale Club, xxi
Yeamans, Jim, 204–05
Young, Owen D., 46, 237
Zerhusen, Clarence, 235
Ziegfeld, Florenz, 28
Zoroaster, 107